Working the lower body muscles during pregnancy is always crucial for the following reasons:
-strengthens joints and surrounding muscles
-improves posture
-lessens joint/hip/back pain
-increases muscular endurance
-helps quicken healing time after birth
Doing these exercises just a few times a week will only help and improve your body and health during pregnancy.
Gracilis and Adductors (Inner thigh)
*standing leg adduction (rotate leg from hip to point toes to the side, and lift diagonally)
*inner thigh adduction (leg under top leg lift slightly off ground)
Iliotibial Band and Abductors (Outer thigh)
*standing leg abduction - be sure to rotate from the hip to point toes inward
*side lying leg abduction - again, be sure to rotate from the hip to point toes toward the ground
*"fire hydrant" hip abduction
Anterior Tibialis (Shin-front of lower leg)
*seated toe raises - can also be done with resistance band (dorsiflexion)
Quadriceps (Front of thigh)
*squats (keep weight in heels, and sit back, making sure knees don't go past ankles)
*knee extensions - seated or on a machine
*leg press - can do it on machine; if belly gets in the way, feel free to find a standing leg press
*leg lifts (lying on back, making sure toes are pointing up; shouldn't be done in 3rd trimester, instead do them standing or sitting, and make sure toes are pointing forward)
Hamstrings (Back of thigh)
Gastrocnemius (Calf-back of lower leg)
*calf raises - on step or on floor- (toes point forward, out, and in)
*squated calf raises - calf raises in a wide squated position
Gluteus Maximus, Medius, Minimus (Buttocks)
*table top (on all 4's) leg extension (1 leg is straight, and lifted up to the ceiling)- can also be done standing, bent over using a chair or table for support, and lifting leg backwards.
*bridge (shouldn't be done in 3rd trimester-can be done standing, doing buttock clenches/squeezes)
Suggested sets and repetitions
~1-2 sets of 5-10reps/day
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