In addition to keeping your muscles strong during your pregnancy, it's also important to try to keep up flexibility. This is especially crucial if you're wanting to have an active labor and do things like squatting and such. However, be sure to use discretion when it comes to how far you stretch a joint and muscle. During pregnancy, your body releases a hormone called Relaxin, which in turn causes an increase in range in motion for the joints. So pay attention to the flexibility of your joints, and try not to hyperextend. Only go to a point of gentle tension and hold the stretch for at least 10-20 seconds. It's also important to remember not to bounce, also known as ballistic stretching, which can cause injury and strain.
Listed here are some stretches that are helpful in creating and/or maintaining basic flexibility crucial to pregnancy, labor, and delivery:
Starting in an all 4's position, or tabletop, pushing your arms into the ground and pressing your chest toward your thighs, tuck your toes under and press your heels into the floor. Try to keep your heels as close to the ground as possible.
Instead of being on the floor, use a table, chair, or bench.
Video of downward facing dog
Sitting in easy pose, keeping a straight back and twisting from the waist, bring opposite hand to opposite knee and do a gentle twist, stretching your back and slightly your abdomen.
Video of easy sitting twist pose
Starting on all 4's, let your belly fall closer to the ground, making your back into a U-shape, inhaling. Then round out your back and let your head and neck drop down, exhaling.
Video of cat/cow
Keeping your upper body elevated by pillows or anything else, bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall open to the sides.
Video of butterfly stretch
Again, be sure not to stretch a joint too much or too far. Your body is quite vulnerable during pregnancy, and it's important to keep it strong and yet flexible.
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