To reduce pain in the lower back, it's important to strengthen the hip muscles in order to absorb and hold up the weight of the upper body. Additionally, it's importnat, especially for women, to strengthen their outer thighs due to weak knees and hips. For this reason, I am providing a low-impact and highly effective outer thigh exercise. You can do it!!!
Muscles Used
-Gluteus Medius
-Gluteus Maximus
-Tensor Fasciae Latae
-Iliotibial Band
-Vastus Latoralis
(check the anatomy link to see where these muscles are!)
Daily Use of Muscles
-Squatting/bending down
-Sitting/standing up
-Getting in/out of the car
-Going up/down stairs
-Jumping jacks
-Kicking a ball
Things to Remember
-Be sure to rotate your toe in from the hip...this will engage those outer thighs muscles even more! If you don't, you will only get a great quad workout.
-Flex your foot by bringing your toes in towards your shin
-Be sure to keep your standing leg slightly bent
-Try not to move any part of your body except for your leg
-For additional help in balance, feel free to use a wall, chair, etc. to help keep you balanced
Standing Hip Abduction
Video of Standing Hip Abduction
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