Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Superman Back Extensions

For those of you who have a weak core and back, this back extension exercise is a great workout. It helps strengthen the core, stretch out the abdominals and torso, and increases muscular endurance in the upper, mid, and lower back regions.

Muscles Used
-Posterior Deltoids
-Erector Spinae (back muscles down the length of the spine)
-Latissimus Dorsi (on your sides, under your armpit)
-Trapezius (upper back)
-Gluteus Medius and Maximus (buttocks)

Daily Use of Muscles

-Bending down and picking something up
-Twisting torso

Things To Remember

-In order to keep the neck in line with the spine, be sure to look down at the mat/floor, and not up or to the sides
-For a beginner, only lift arms off the floor
-For the intermediate, lift both arms and legs off of the floor
-For a more advanced move, start out first lifting opposite leg and opposite arm, then repeating on the other side, then doing both legs and arms at the same time
-DO NOT hold your breath! Breathe deeply in through the nose, and out through the mouth

The Superman Pose

Video of the Superman Back Extension Exercise


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