Friday, May 6, 2011

My Reasons

People always ask me what my reasons are for exercising and staying active. Here is a list of why I keep my body moving constantly:

-To sleep better- if I don't exercise or at least take a walk, I will not sleep as deeply or soundly.

-To relieve stress- exercise and physical activity both help me release pent up energy (positive and negative), hormones, and sweat.

-To meditate/pray/have time for myself- Doing power yoga is one of my favorite forms of physical activity. It's also a great time for me to literally get on my knees, bring my burdens and prayers to the cross, and give them over to the Lord. Exercise and power yoga are both times that I take and have for myself alone. And finally, I use exercise as a way of dedicating my positive energy towards something or someone. If I have a friend or family member struggling, I will dedicate my hard work and positive energy to them.

-To keep my knees from failing- in order to keep my knee joints in working order and to prevent knee pain, I exercise so that the muscles in my legs can protect that joint.

-Daily life function- I want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs and not be too out of breath; or I want to be able to bend down and not pull something.

-To reduce depression and anxiety- I definitely do not experience emotions that are strong enough to diagnose me as depressed, but it's easy for me to let my emotions get out of hand. So when I go do something active, I'm able to let go of the little things, enjoy life, and put a smile on my face.

-So that I can stay active when I'm older- plain and simple!

-So I can enjoy a treat now and then- When I've worked hard one day, I know it's okay to let myself indulge in something delish, such as chocolate chip cookies, beer, wine, or ice cream.

-To maintain my fitness level- In order to do my job well with confidence, it's important that I can maintain my current fitness level.


Why do you exercise or stay active?


  1. Very inspiring. I really need to get moving!

  2.  * Happiness. Commutes are notorious for making people unhappy (, but riding my bike to work actually makes me happier. And it feels good.

    * Productivity/alertness. I can stay up later, get up earlier, and do better work when I'm exercising. I feel lethargic when I'm not.

     * Software developers are naturally sedentary, and genetics are against me. I don't want to get fat!

     * Bragging. Not necessarily the most pure motive, but it's fun to be able to mention your new max consecutive pull-ups, or how you bike commuted every day in the winter.

     * I want to set a good example for my kids. They already think most people bike commute. Ezra already loves doing pull-ups with me. Even though that just means he hangs from the bar and kicks his legs, he's learning that exercise is something people just do.
