Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Table-Top Opposite Arm & Leg Lift

Working the core, upper, and lower body, this exercise is excellent. It also challenges your balance!
This is also a phenomenal exercise when it comes to being pregnant. It targets many muscles that will be used during labor and childbirth, and it also helps strengthen those areas where women tend to be weaker.
Have fun!

Muscles Used

-Pectoralis (chest)
-Shoulders (deltoids)
-Abdominals and upper, mid, and lower back

Daily Use of Muscles

-Pushing, pulling
-Standing, walking upstairs/downstairs
-Coughing, laughing

Things To Remember

-look directly at the floor, not ahead or to the side; try to keep your neck in line with your spine
-remember to breathe!
-try to keep your arms slightly bent
-do not let your back sag or round up...keep it straight!
-flex your foot (bringing your toes into your shin)
-try 3 sets of 8 lifts on each side (be sure to alternate sides!)

Table Top Opposite Arm & Leg Lift


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