Friday, June 17, 2011

'Tis The Season...

...For Farmers' Markets




Why Shop At Farmers' Markets?

I'm not gonna lie. It makes perfect logical sense to want to just buy your produce while you're at Wal-Mart, Kroger, Publix, etc. However, when it's summertime, I love making a trip to the farmers' market to not only support local farmers and their work, but to also gain the benefits of eating fresh, organic and in-season produce and food. And not to mention, getting a little cardio by walking to my local market!

Benefits of a Farmers' Market

-higher chances of buying organic food/produce that have not been contaminated with pesticides, hormones, or have been genetically modified
-supporting local farmers and producers and their efforts to provide pure, less processed, high-quality food and products
-minimize pollution by buying from farmers and producers who transport their goods significantly less than national or international providers
-minimize chances of forced labor or child labor
-lowers the chances of illegal immigrants working in the U.S.
-supports and encourages local community and fellowship
-allows for a consumer to actually meet, ask questions, and thank the farmers and producers for their hard work...what a concept!
-promotes health and well-being by eating more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods
-increase health by making a choice to walking to the farmers market and carrying own shopping bags
-allows a person to get outside, enjoy fresh air, get a little sun!

Do you like to shop at farmers' markets?
What are your reasons?
What are your favorite things about markets?
Why don't you shop at farmers' markets?

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