Monday, March 14, 2011

Calf Raises/Toe Raises

As a result of constant running and/or walking, shin splints or cramping of the calf may occur. This is especially the case when a person does not make the time or put effort into strengthening the shin and calf muscles. With quick and proper stretching and strengthening movements, an individual will be less prone to shin splints and/or calf cramping. These exercises are also efficient when it comes to restricted equipment and time. Using only body weight and maybe a chair, these 2 exercises are effective with minimal instruction and effort. Enjoy!

Muscles Used

-Gastrocnemius (calf)
-Anterior Tibialis
-Peroneus Longus

Daily Use of Muscles

-Going up/down stairs
-Standing up on toes to reach something

Things To Remember

-When doing calf raises, try to keep knees straight and not to "roll" through them by bending the knees
-During calf raises, try to relax the buttocks, quadriceps, and hamstrings
-Also during calf raises, it's important to roll back on the heels when lowering down
-If extra assistance is needed when doing calf raises, feel free to use a chair or wall for balance
-For a more advanced calf raise exercise, step onto a step with heels hanging off, then lift up and down
-When performing toes raises, be sure to sit on a bench or chair with knees at a 90 angle
-During toes raises, keep hands either on the chair or bench beside hips, or on thighs with palms facing up
-Be sure to keep a straight posture, tall with shoulders back and chest out

Picture of calf raises
Video of calf raises

Picture of seated toe raises
Video of seated toe raises

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