Monday, April 18, 2011

Workplace Workout: Desk Pushups and Tricep Dips

After being inspired by my roommates who both are in law school and have busy jobs where they do a lot of sitting, I have decided to start creating exercises for those who need a quick workout to get them moving but doesn't take up too much time or space.

First, I want to encourage those with busy jobs to try and do these exercises a few times a day while at work. There are so many things that it will help during your day, such as give you a break from staring at the computer, get your muscles loose and your blood flowing, wake you up, and help lower chances for weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle.
Second, why wouldn't you do these exercises? It spices up your day and gives you a little break to look forward to! It helps you release some of that physical pent up energy that you never have the time or motivation to let go of. So take advantage!

Ok, here we go!

Desk Pushups

Doing some push ups on your desk is one of the most efficient and effective exercises to do at work. It works your upper body and core while challenging your lower body to stabilize yourself. It also requires deep breaths, increasing oxygen flow and blood flow throughout the body.

Starting Position

Ending Position

Doing about 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps throughout the day (you don't have to do them all at once) will be sufficient. Also, it's important to remember that the further you stand away from your desk, the harder the exercise will be. Choose your level, and work towards scooting your feet further back gradually. And be sure to keep your entire body in a straight line, aka, keep the hips from sagging or the bottom from sticking out. You can do this by tightening your core and pulling your belly button into your spine. Also be sure to keep your need in line with your spine.

Tricep Dips

This exercise not only works the triceps, but it also works the shoulders a bit as well.

Starting Position

Ending Position

When performing this exercise, again it's important to know that the further away you place your feet, the more advanced this exercise will be. However, do not move your body away from the desk, chair, bench, etc., because this will put more stress on your shoulders and won't work your triceps as much. You want your movement to be straight up and down, not up and down at an angle. By sticking to this guideline, you will eventually want to work your way to have your feet far out and your knees completely straight while keeping your upper body still close to the base.
Again, 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions is great, throughout the day, or all at once.

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