Friday, May 20, 2011

A Warning For Work-a-holics!

If you've got some time on your hands, and you'd like to read something really interesting and a bit of a reality check, go to this link and read this interesting article in the NY Times.

Although at work I teach aerobics and strength classes, I workout on my lunch break, and I have access to many different types of opportunities to move throughout the day, I am still just as guilty as spending long hours sitting or at a desk or computer, whether it's work or play. And although it's GREAT to exercise and stay active, this article even threw me for a loop saying that exercise may not off-set other illnesses and disorders that come with a constant sedentary work or general lifestyle.

So I challenge you to educate yourself and to really see what happens to the body when all it does is sit, and sit, and then sit some more. How is our physical and mental health effected, and how can we prevent or help our already sedentary lifestyles?

Don't think that you're going to sit back and relax when reading this article; on the contrary, it'll have you fidgeting and hanging on the edge of your my nephews, Eli and Lazarus.

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