Chair Lifts
For a simple, yet challenging upper body exercise, the chair lift is great. It works the shoulders and chest, along with your core (for balancing purposes). To do this exercise, just place your hands on the arm rests of your chair, engage your abdominals, and still keeping you body in its "sitting" position, lift your body off your seat and hold 3-5 seconds. Try this 6-8 times.
Things To Remember
-Be sure that your armrests are secure and stable
-If this is too difficult, uncross your legs. If that's still too much, let your feet lightly rest on the floor; eventually, you will build up to keeping your feet off the floor
Knee Extensions
Doing a knee extension strengthens the front of your thigh, also known as your quadriceps. To do this exercise, simply straighten you knee joint and squeeze your quads for 2-4 seconds, then releasing. I recommend 10-12 times on each side.
Things To Remember
-Make sure your posture is straight and tall
-Keep your other leg bent for stability
Side Plank Twists
To work your core and obliques, the side plank twist is very effective. Using either a chair or desk (just make sure it won't roll!) or if you want to take it to the ground, so be it, you start in a side plank position with your top arm extended out. Twist that arm down and in under your opposite side, and bring your arm back to it's starting point. Do this 5 times on each side, for 2-3 sets. If you're doing this on the ground, feel free to do it either on your hands or forearms, and your toes or knees.

Things To Remember
-Keep your body in a straight line
-Try to keep your hips off the floor as much as possible
-Make sure your hand/forearm is directly under your shoulder
-If stacking your top foot on top of the bottom foot makes this exercise too advanced, bring the top foot to the floor in front of the bottom foot for more stability
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