Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Workplace Workout: Jumping Plie Squats

This fun exercise is just as much strength as it is cardio. And it'll definitely make you feel the burn no matter how long you do it for and no matter where you are. For more cardio, feel free to do a military shoulder press overhead with or without weights. You can also do this exercise with exercise shoes or without shoes at all. Just remember, have fun!

Things To Remember

-Make sure your legs are wide enough to where your knees do not go past your ankles and/or your toes.
-Also be sure that your toes are pointing diagonally outward so that your knees do not go forward.
-Keep your weight in your heels, NOT in your toes!
-Pull your belly button into your spine for balance.
-When pushing off to jump up, be sure to push through your heels, engaging your glutes, and not your knee joints.

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