Even though every exercise is different and may need a bit of tweaking or modifying, the following recommendations for sets and repetitions are the rule of thumb for exercising.
Cardiovascular Exercise
To maintain a current weight, at a minimum, do moderate physical activity for at least 20-30 minutes on most, if not, all days of the week. This is in addition to your normal daily activities. Without any fancy gadgets or calculations, moderate physical activity can be measured by seeing how well you can carry on a conversation. If you can talk quite easily, step it up. If you can talk okay but still feel pretty breathless, then that's a good moderate level. If you're looking for a vigorous level, increase your activity to where you can no longer speak and need to focus on your workout.
To lose weight, you'll need to do vigorous cardio exercise for 4-5 days a week, with moderate physical activity on the other days. That doesn't mean to go walk or run 5 miles; on the contrary, it means to do vigorous exercise according to
your fitness level.
But remember, in order to lose weight, more calories should be expended than taken in. So don't be afraid to challenge and push yourself. Just do it safely and using your head.
Strength Training
Doing strength training at least 2 days per week is sufficient for muscle retainment. Working all of the major upper and lower body muscle groups is crucial. When doing strength exercises, be sure to do 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions. This is with a moderately challenging weight.
If you're looking for muscle bulk and power, be sure to use a heavier weight that requires more force; this will also mean a lower amount of repetitions such as 6-8 reps at 1-3 sets.
If you're wanting a more lean look and increase your muscular endurance, using a moderate or lighter weight will be a better choice. You will also need to do more repetitions, such as 12-15 reps at 1-3 sets.
However, again, just wanting to retain your current muscular strength and tone, only do the amount of work that is stated in the beginning.
Core Training
Core and abdominal training is crucial to do
everyday. This can include crunches, plank, side plank, "mountain climbers", oblique squeezes, etc.
Be sure to do 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
Stay tuned for a post on how to do a proper crunch.