Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Military Workout

Since Monday was Memorial Day, I'm keeping with the "military" theme for the workout today! I've got two moves, one strength and one cardio, that I found on military.com that will get your heart pumping and your arms and legs burning.
Get to it!

Dumbbell Split Squat (with optional bicep curl)

Holding a pair of dumbbells with your arms hanging at your sides, stand in a staggered stance, your right foot in front of your left. Keeping your torso upright, lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Raise yourself back up into the staggered stance and complete a total of 8 repetitions. Switch legs and repeat. For a more advanced workout, do a bicep curl when lowering into the split squat.

Muscles Used

-Calves (slightly)
-Soleus (slightly)
-Core (slightly-for balance)
-Biceps (if doing a bicep curl when squatting)

Daily Use of Muscles

-going up/down stairs
-reaching/picking something up or lowering to ground

Things To Remember

-Be sure to keep your weight in the heel of your working leg
-DO NOT let you knee go past your toes
-DO NOT lunge forward; instead, lower straight down
-For better balance, pull your belly button into your spine

Dumbbell Split Squat

Video of Dumbbell Split Squat

Cross-Body Mountain Climber

Assume a pushup position, your body forming a straight line from your head to your heels. Brace your abs--you'll hold them that way for the entire exercise. Now pull your left knee as close as you can to your right shoulder, without allowing your hips to sag. Return to the starting position and repeat, this time raising your right knee toward your left shoulder. That's 1 rep. Complete a total of 10.
Too easy? Try it with your feet on an elevated surface.

Muscles Used

-Pectoralis (chest)
-Deltoids and Trapezius (shoulders)
-Abdominals and core
-Hip flexors

Daily Use of Muscles

-Going up/down stairs
-Reaching up high/picking up off the floor
-Washing hair

Things to Remember

-DO NOT let your hips sag or push up into the air-keep your body in a straight line!
-Keep elbows slightly bent
-Keep neck in line with the spine by looking at the floor
-If this is too hard, start on your knees (but be sure to use padding under your knees!)

Cross-Body Mountain Climber

Video of Cross-Body Mountain Climber

"I never worry about action, but only inaction"
                                                    -Winston Churchill


Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Meal

In honor of our brave troops who fought so hard and courageously, these two meals and dessert are healthy, easy, and perfect for a Memorial Day celebration!
Dig in!

Fresh Broccoli Salad


-2 heads fresh broccoli
-1 red onion
-1/2 pound bacon
-3/4 cup raisins
-3/4 cup sliced almonds
-1 cup mayonnaise
-1/2 cup white sugar
-2 tablespoons white wine vinegar


  1. Place bacon in a deep skillet and cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Cool and crumble.
  2. Cut the broccoli into bite-size pieces and cut the onion into thin bite-size slices. Combine with the bacon, raisins, your favorite nuts and mix well.
  3. To prepare the dressing, mix the mayonnaise, sugar and vinegar together until smooth. Stir into the salad, let chill and serve.

Serves 8-10

Nutritional Information

Amount Per Serving: Calories: 374 | Total Fat: 27.2g | Cholesterol: 18mg

Turkey Burgers

-1 pound ground turkey
-1 packet dry onion soup mix
-1/2 cup water
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

  1. Preheat a grill for high heat.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the ground turkey, soup mix, and water. Season with salt and pepper. Mix lightly using your hands, and form into 4 patties.
  3. Lightly oil the grill grate. Grill patties 5 to 10 minutes per side, until well done.

 Serves 4

Nutritional Information

Amount Per Serving  Calories: 223 | Total Fat: 11.4g | Cholesterol: 84mg

Chocolate Fudge Pops

 Chocolate Fudge Pops Recipe

  • 1 (3.9 ounce) package instant chocolate pudding mix
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 3 cups milk

In a mixing bowl, combine pudding, sugar, and milk. Pour mixture into small plastic cups (if you do not have ice pop molds) and freeze. When set, place a wooden craft sticks into them if you are using plastic cups. Serve when frozen.

Serves 8

Nutritional Information

Amount Per Serving  Calories: 146 | Total Fat: 2.1g | Cholesterol: 7mg

For more information on Memorial Day, click here.
Remember at 3pm local time to pause for a moment of silence to honor those soldiers who died for our safety.

From my heart, my most sincere thank you to all of those who fought so bravely and lost their lives to protect mine.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Tea vs Coffee

Tumblr_ljlnfflrt81qe1apyo1_500_large       VS           Tumblr_ll63agevbt1qa6xujo1_500_large

Anybody who really knows me will quickly say that I am an avid tea drinker. I have it every morning, whether it's green tea, white tea, jasmine tea, or a black tea like PG Tips (or Tibs as my dad thought it once was ;). I drink tea for it's healthy benefits, and because of the dainty and pretty china or cups I get to use (I'm just bein' honest). It also wakes me up in the morning, which is like a gentle reminder that the day is starting. And no...I didn't get up and drink English Breakfast Tea with a tea cup and saucer (or force my sisters and mother to do the same) on the day of the Royal Wedding.....cough cough.

Now, offer me coffee, and I will very quickly turn it down with a "No thanks, I don't drink coffee". The smell, I admit, is fun and delish. However, when it comes to coffee, not only does it give me the shakes (yes, I'm that sensitive to caffeine), but the fact that I have to doctor it up every time in order to drink it is annoying to me. I like that all I have to do to have some tea is boil water and plop in a tea bag. For slow mornings, I'll definitely go with a black tea and pretend i'm in England or Ireland. Otherwise, I'm a minimalist when it comes to hot drinks (except for hot chocolate...don't get me started), and I'll gladly leave my tea bag in the water until I've finished my tea, loving every minute of that bitter, natural taste.

So, with all of that to say, why in the world am I telling you all of this? Well in the past I've read and listened to why coffee is better for you or why tea is better for you. Now grant it, I know I'm biased (yeah yeah yeah...whatever), but I whole heartedly believe that tea has more healthy benefits to it than coffee. I'm not saying that coffee is bad for you or that tea is monstrously way better for you than coffee; on the contrary I'm just stating that after reading article after article about the benefits of both drinks, tea (especially green tea) wins by a nose (or dare I say....spout?) every time.

Now before you get all defensive about lattes, cappuccinos, and iced-light-mocha-frappachino-no-whip-with-an-extra-shot drinks, I will lay before you my collected facts and sources (which I tried my best to either get a .org or a .edu):

Quick Overview History of Coffee

In a nut shell, recent evidence shows that the coffee bean began to be used in central Ethiopia and was then brought over to Yemen and was cultivated since the 6th century.  The very first coffee houses were then believed to be in Cairo and Mecca.

Coffee History

Benefits of Coffee

-contains caffeine, which reduces stress and increases mental stimulation
-consumption on a regular basis has been found to lower risks of: Parkinsons, Alzheimer's, and gallstone disease
-contains the compound, methylpyridinum, a known anti-cancer compound which is not found in the coffee seeds, but is formed during the roasting stage; this compound cannot be found in any other food or vegetable
-stimulates peristaltic movement in the lower intestine, thus keeping you "regular"
-reduces risk of liver cancer, and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (aka liver cancer)

Risks of Coffee

-it lowers blood iron levels and interferes with the uptake of supplementary iron for pregnant women and infants
-the roasting of coffee beans results in certain compounds called rodent carcinogens which, when consumed in large quantities for a long time, can be carcogenic and harmful to the body
-damage to the inner lining of the intestines causing gastritis and stomach ulcers
-linked to high blood pressure
-has been linked to an increased risk to coronary heart disease
-addiction to caffeine (see HILARIOUS picture below)

(the creepy smile Bethany!)

Quick Overview History of Tea (Green Tea)

According to Chinese legend, tea was accidentally invented by Chinese Emperor Shen Nong in 2737 BC. He loved drinking boiled water for health and well being. One day some dried leaves from a camellia bush (the tea plant) accidentally floated into his cup, and he liked the aroma and taste so much that he declared tea medicinal and awesome. Later, in the Song Dynasty, an emperor turned tea into something regal and only for rich, important people, thus giving tea its fancy feel. Tea was introduced to Europe in the 1600s, and England in 1669. It derives from young leaves and leaf buds from the evergreen shrub tea tree. Herbal teas are technically not "tea" because they do not derive from the tea plant; instead they come from flowers, fruit, herbs, and spices, but still have a slight medicinal benefit.
There are over 1500 types of teas to chose from.

Benefits of Tea (including iced-unsweetened!-tea)

-with tea being a plant-based beverage, you extract phytonutrients (flavonoids and antioxidants), that are often found in fruit and veggies, when you place the leaves in hot water; this benefits the body from reducing the risk of disease
-reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, and mixed but strong evidence shows a reduced risk of cancer
-ZERO calories
-green tea is said to be the best source of catechins, which are more powerful than vitamins C and E in stopping oxidative damage to cells and contain other disease-fighting properties
-Studies have found an association between drinking green tea and a reduced risk for cancers like skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal, and bladder
-green and black teas reduce the risk for heart disease
-the antioxidants in green, black, and oolong teas can help block the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol and improve artery function.
-oolong or green tea have been shown to reduce the risk of hypertension


Risks of Tea (Green Tea)

-over exposure to fluoride (which only occurs in mature leaves...not the young leaves used)
-higher caffeine levels with longer steeping times
-contains oxalate, which can cause kidney stones when consumed excessively
-contains tannins and hot temperature, which can increase risk of esophageal cancer (really? who knew?)
-liver damage, which can result from too much of a flavanoid known as EGCG

(notice I had to go to wikipedia to find risks?)

Through the many articles that I've looked through finding a risk for green tea, the only one risk that was most prominent was caffeine, which can cause insomnia, anxiety, or hyperactivity. So, in theory, just don't steep your tea for too long like this lady did, and you'll be good to go!

A staggering 165 millions cups of tea

So there you go. The basic facts about coffee and tea. The point of this post is not to make anybody feel bad for drinking coffee or tea. It's just to show the facts that are out there, plain and simple. Make the decision that's best for you...and that tastes better to you! Besides, who says you have to choose one or the other? As for me, you're always guaranteed a date if you ever want to go get a cup of tea.



Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Workplace Workout: Desk Plank Mountain Climber & Calf Raises

These two exercises are convenient to do at your desk because all you have to do is stand up and scoot your chair back! Just be sure not to flash anybody if you have a skirt on!

Desk Plank Mountain Climber

Targeting your upper body, abdominals, back, and hip flexors, this is a great toning and cardio exercise.  It's efficient and effective by challenging the body's balance, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular system.
Try doing 3-4 sets of 15-20 knee lifts on each side, alternating sides. Or if you don't like keeping count, feel free to do 4 sets of 30-45 seconds.
Try it out and see how you like it!

Things To Remember

-Keep your elbows slightly bent
-Engage your abdominals by pulling your belly button into your spine while you bring your knees up and into your chest
-Hands should be placed at shoulder width apart and directly below shoulders
-Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mount; try not to pant
-For a more advanced workout, try doing a small pushup between bring your knees in

Calf Raises

I love calf raises. Plain and simple. They're efficient, convenient, and help battle charlie horses and shin splints. They also help keep the ankles strong to prevent rolling and sprains/strains. And, if you're a woman (or a man...it's ok, I won't judge you), you can even add in a few ballet moves with the arms. It just makes it fun. You can do them in place, or as you walk. I'm tellin' ya, so convenient!
(you do realize this gives you almost no excuse to not do them?)
Try doing 3 sets of 15: the first set- do them with your toes pointing inward (/\), the second set- do them with your toes point outward (\/), and the third set: do them with feet completely parallel to each other.

Things To Remember

-Do not roll through your knees; on the contrary, keep your knees straight and let your calves do the work
-Try not to roll back on your heels when you lower yourself; instead just land flat on your feet
-If you need a chair, desk, or wall for support, go for it; otherwise, challenge your balance by using nothing

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Table-Top Opposite Arm & Leg Lift

Working the core, upper, and lower body, this exercise is excellent. It also challenges your balance!
This is also a phenomenal exercise when it comes to being pregnant. It targets many muscles that will be used during labor and childbirth, and it also helps strengthen those areas where women tend to be weaker.
Have fun!

Muscles Used

-Pectoralis (chest)
-Shoulders (deltoids)
-Abdominals and upper, mid, and lower back

Daily Use of Muscles

-Pushing, pulling
-Standing, walking upstairs/downstairs
-Coughing, laughing

Things To Remember

-look directly at the floor, not ahead or to the side; try to keep your neck in line with your spine
-remember to breathe!
-try to keep your arms slightly bent
-do not let your back sag or round up...keep it straight!
-flex your foot (bringing your toes into your shin)
-try 3 sets of 8 lifts on each side (be sure to alternate sides!)

Table Top Opposite Arm & Leg Lift


Monday, May 23, 2011

Lemon-Tarragon Halibut En Papillote

Les poisson! Les poisson! hee hee hee! haw haw haw! (the chef from Little Mermaid anybody?)
Yeah, this delish fish dish (Dr. Seuss style) will leave your tastebuds wanting more. And it's fairly easy and quick to make.
Sealing fish and vegetables en papillote (French for "in paper") steams it gently, producing a foolproof moist result every time. While these ingredients complement each other nicely, you can vary the vegetables and fish according to what's in season or your personal preference.
Bon Appetit!

Parchment paper
1 cup thinly sliced fennel, julienned
3/4 cup snow peas, cut diagonally into thirds
1/2 cup shredded carrots
4 halibut fillets (5 oz each)
1 lemon
1 1/2 Tbsp butter, softened
2 tsp finely chopped fresh tarragon

1- Preheat oven to 425°F. Cut parchment paper into four 18-inch-long pieces. Fold each piece in half and draw a large half heart on each piece, using the fold as the heart's center. Cut out the shape and unfold.

2- Place fennel, snow peas, and carrots in a microwave-safe bowl with 1/4 cup water; microwave on high for 4 minutes. Drain well. Divide vegetable mixture among parchment pieces, spooning it in a shallow layer along the fold. Place fillets on top of vegetables and sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper to taste.

3- Slice lemon in half crosswise. Cut one half crosswise into 8 thin slices, then juice the remaining half. Combine 1 tablespoon lemon juice, butter, and tarragon. Divide butter mixture evenly among fish packages, dotting over tops of fish. Top each fillet with 2 lemon slices. Starting at the top of each heart, fold the edges of parchment in, tucking the edges as you go. Twist the end tip to secure tightly. Place packets on baking sheet.

4-Bake for 12 minutes or until the parchment puffs up. Place on serving plates; cut open and serve immediately.

Makes 4 servings.
Per serving: 225 cal, 8 g fat (3 g sat), 7 g carbs, 426 mg sodium, 2 g fiber, 31 g protein

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Warning For Work-a-holics!

If you've got some time on your hands, and you'd like to read something really interesting and a bit of a reality check, go to this link and read this interesting article in the NY Times.

Although at work I teach aerobics and strength classes, I workout on my lunch break, and I have access to many different types of opportunities to move throughout the day, I am still just as guilty as spending long hours sitting or at a desk or computer, whether it's work or play. And although it's GREAT to exercise and stay active, this article even threw me for a loop saying that exercise may not off-set other illnesses and disorders that come with a constant sedentary work or general lifestyle.

So I challenge you to educate yourself and to really see what happens to the body when all it does is sit, and sit, and then sit some more. How is our physical and mental health effected, and how can we prevent or help our already sedentary lifestyles?

Don't think that you're going to sit back and relax when reading this article; on the contrary, it'll have you fidgeting and hanging on the edge of your seat...like my nephews, Eli and Lazarus.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Workplace Workout: Side Lunges and Standing Chest Press

Hitting the upper and lower body today, these exercises are easy to do (in the sense of they don't take up much space) and they target many of the major muscle groups. You can do these barefoot (ladies kick off those heels!) or in dress flat shoes. Now get up and try!

Side Lunges

-Starting in a standing position, make a big wide step to the side, and sit back in your heels, lunging down.

-Be sure NEVER to let your knees go past your toes...this means to keep all of your weight in your heels!

-When you straighten your working leg, you can either leave it there and just lower to the other side, or you can bring that leg in and step out to the other side.

-Try 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps on each side

Standing 90 Degree Fly Chest Press

-Making sure feet are hip width apart, and keeping knees slightly bent bring your arms up to a 90 degree angle, and bring your elbows together, squeezing the chest muscles.
-Be sure to pull your belly button into your spine, stabilizing your core and back.
-Remember to breathe out when you pull your arms in, and to breathe in when releasing.
-To increase the intensity, feel free to grab something heavier, like water bottles.
-Try 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Abdominal Ball Transfer

For those of you who want a legit abdominal workout that goes deep, try this abdominal ball transfer exercise. It's tough on the abs, working the upper, mid, and lower abdominals.  You're sure to feel it however long you do these for...guaranteed!

Muscles Used

-Abdominals (upper, mid, and lower regions)
-Back (upper, mid, and lower regions)
-Obliques (slightly)
-Quads (slightly)
-Shoulders (slightly)

Daily Use of Muscles

-Bending down/over
-Walking/running/going up and down stairs
-Picking up/reaching for something

Things To Remember

-If doing this exercise with straight legs is too much (don't lie...because it's too much for me!), try it with slightly bent knees, or really bent knees first.
-Don't have an exercise ball? Use a pillow, stuffed animal, basketball, etc. No excuses!!
-If you feel your lower mid/lower back coming off the floor when you lower legs, then don't lower your legs so far down. Lower your legs until you feel your back raising, and then bring them back up. We have got to keep those backs safe!
-Try 3 sets of 8....I dare ya!

Abdominal Ball Transfer

Video of Abdominal Ball Transfer

Monday, May 16, 2011

Vegetarian Pasta Primavera

               Making whole-wheat pasta instead of the run-o-the-mill pasta that is made with heavily process semolina flour will definitely make a difference when it comes to flavor, fiber, and low-fat! It is also lower in calories, which helps over-all. For those meat-lovers out there, definitely feel free to throw in some regular or turkey-sausage to liven things up a bit more. However, this dish looks like it's good to go with veggies only!

  • 2/3 cup reduced-fat ricotta cheese
  • 1 cup vegetable broth
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 shallot, finely chopped
  • 1/4 pound white button mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 pound plum tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 pound multigrain spaghetti
  • 3 cups small broccoli florets
  • 1 medium carrot, julienned
  • 1/4 pound asparagus, cut into 1"
  • 3/4 cup frozen shelled green soybeans (edamame), thawed
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil, thinly sliced
  • 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese


In a food processor, combine the ricotta and broth. Process until smooth. Set aside. Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
Heat the oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the shallot and mushrooms. Cook, stirring frequently, for 3 minutes, or until the mushrooms begin to brown. Reduce the heat to medium. Stir in the tomatoes, garlic, salt, and pepper. Cook for 2 minutes, or until the tomatoes begin to soften. Reduce the heat to very low and cover to keep warm.
Cook the pasta according to package directions. Two minutes before the pasta is finished cooking, add the broccoli, carrot, asparagus, and soybeans. Drain.
Return the hot pasta and vegetables to the pot. Add the basil, the reserved mushroom mixture, and the reserved ricotta. Toss to combine. Serve sprinkled with the Parmesan.


Nutritional Facts per serving


FAT6.2 G








Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Here...The Moment You Have All Been Waiting For....


Haha, I'm sorry, I just had to. I got my inspiration from my dad when he and I were looking for milk and eggs at Kroger a few weeks ago. I was carrying a half gallon of milk in each hand, and...due to slightly being bored (no offense dad)...and antsy...I decided to start doing upper body exercises. In about 2-3 minutes, I was feeling the burn, and the urge to write about it!
I now present to you, a grocery store workout...huzzah!

Upper Body
Can't choose a product? Do you find yourself standing for minutes at a time trying to decide on a kind of soup or cream cheese (my sister, Bethany!)? Grab some milk or soup cans and do 1-2 sets of 8-10 reps of these exercises!


(gotta love those shorts and haircut)

OVERHEAD TRICEP EXTENSIONS (using a can of soup or a 1/2 gallon or gallon of milk!)





Stuck in a long line? Try these easy pelvic tilts!
(try not to flex your glutes, but instead pull your belly button into your spine while breathing out; and you can use your shopping cart for support!)

(this picture just made my day)

Lower Body
Waiting in line or for someone (mom!) to grab that last little thing that they forgot right as you approach the checkout? Work your lower body doing these simple exercises!






(I mean, you gotta reach for stuff at some point, right?)

Okay! Now it's your turn to put all of these exercises into good use!

Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Workplace Workout: Chair Lifts, Knee Extensions, and Side Plank Twists

Chair Lifts
For a simple, yet challenging upper body exercise, the chair lift is great. It works the shoulders and chest, along with your core (for balancing purposes). To do this exercise, just place your hands on the arm rests of your chair, engage your abdominals, and still keeping you body in its "sitting" position, lift your body off your seat and hold 3-5 seconds. Try this 6-8 times.

Things To Remember

-Be sure that your armrests are secure and stable
-If this is too difficult, uncross your legs. If that's still too much, let your feet lightly rest on the floor; eventually, you will build up to keeping your feet off the floor

Knee Extensions
Doing a knee extension strengthens the front of your thigh, also known as your quadriceps.  To do this exercise, simply straighten you knee joint and squeeze your quads for 2-4 seconds, then releasing. I recommend 10-12 times on each side.

Things To Remember

-Make sure your posture is straight and tall
-Keep your other leg bent for stability

Side Plank Twists
To work your core and obliques, the side plank twist is very effective. Using either a chair or desk (just make sure it won't roll!) or if you want to take it to the ground, so be it, you start in a side plank position with your top arm extended out. Twist that arm down and in under your opposite side, and bring your arm back to it's starting point. Do this 5 times on each side, for 2-3 sets. If you're doing this on the ground, feel free to do it either on your hands or forearms, and your toes or knees.

Things To Remember

-Keep your body in a straight line
-Try to keep your hips off the floor as much as possible
-Make sure your hand/forearm is directly under your shoulder
-If stacking your top foot on top of the bottom foot makes this exercise too advanced, bring the top foot to the floor in front of the bottom foot for more stability

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spider-Man Pushup

This is a wonderful upper body and core exercise. It challenges balance and control of the body and muscles. Before you know it, you'll be climbing up buildings!
If only...

Muscles Used

-Pectoralis (chest)
-Deltoids (shoulders)
-Trapezius (upper back/shoulders)
-Latissimus Dorsi (bra-fat-mid and lower back area)
-Hip flexors/Quadriceps (front of thigh)
-Outer thigh and glutes (slightly)
-General lower body for stability

Daily Use of Muscles

-driving/picking things up
-walking/running/skipping/going up and down stairs

Things To Remember

-Do not let your hips sag or stick out!
-Exhale when lowering into the push up, and inhale when pushing up out of it
-Keep hands shoulder width apart, directly underneath your shoulders
-Never lock your elbows
-Pull belly button in for stability and balance
-If doing this exercise on your toes is too much, take it to your knees
-If you are a beginner at doing pushups in general, start doing this at an elevation, i.e. using a desk for your hand placement, or bench/table

The Spider-Man Pushup

Video of Spider-Man Pushup

Monday, May 9, 2011

Vegetarian Pad Thai

Vegetarian Pad Thai Recipe

Ever since my sister worked as a hostess at a Thai restaurant in high school, I've been hooked on Pad Thai. She would bring it home every night she worked, and I ate it without complaint!
Although this is a vegetarian recipe, feel free to throw in chicken and/or shrimp to the mix.

Yields: 6 servings (serving size: 1 1/3 cups noodle mixture, 2 teaspoons cilantro, about 1 teaspoon peanuts, and 1 lime wedge)
  • 2/3 cup chili sauce (such as Heinz)
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons grated peeled fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon chopped seeded serrano chile
  • 1/2 pound wide rice stick noodles (bánh pho)
  • 4 teaspoons vegetable oil, divided
  • 1 (12.3-ounce) package extrafirm tofu, drained and cut into 1/2-inch cubes
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 cups fresh bean sprouts
  • 3/4 cup diagonally cut green onions
  • 1/2 cup minced fresh cilantro, divided
  • 1/3 cup coarsely chopped dry-roasted peanuts
  • 6 lime wedges

  • Combine first 6 ingredients; set aside.
  • Cook noodles in boiling water 5 minutes or until done. Drain and rinse with cold water; drain well.
  • Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add tofu; cook 7 minutes or until browned, stirring occasionally. Remove from pan.
  • Combine egg whites and egg, stirring well with a whisk.
  • Heat 2 teaspoons vegetable oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add garlic, and sauté for 10 seconds. Add egg mixture, and cook for 30 seconds or until soft-scrambled, stirring constantly. Stir in chili sauce mixture and noodles; cook for 2 minutes. Stir in tofu, bean sprouts, onions, and 1/4 cup cilantro, and cook 3 minutes or until thoroughly heated.
  • Sprinkle 1/4 cup cilantro and peanuts evenly over each serving of noodle mixture. Serve with lime wedges.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories: 347

  • Calories from fat: 25%

  • Fat: 9.6g

  • Saturated fat: 1.6g

  • Monounsaturated fat: 3.5g

  • Polyunsaturated fat: 3.5g

  • Protein: 10.9g

  • Carbohydrate: 56.7g

  • Fiber: 2.5g

  • Cholesterol: 37mg

  • Iron: 2.4mg

  • Sodium: 935mg

  • Calcium: 80mg
  • Friday, May 6, 2011

    My Reasons

    People always ask me what my reasons are for exercising and staying active. Here is a list of why I keep my body moving constantly:

    -To sleep better- if I don't exercise or at least take a walk, I will not sleep as deeply or soundly.

    -To relieve stress- exercise and physical activity both help me release pent up energy (positive and negative), hormones, and sweat.

    -To meditate/pray/have time for myself- Doing power yoga is one of my favorite forms of physical activity. It's also a great time for me to literally get on my knees, bring my burdens and prayers to the cross, and give them over to the Lord. Exercise and power yoga are both times that I take and have for myself alone. And finally, I use exercise as a way of dedicating my positive energy towards something or someone. If I have a friend or family member struggling, I will dedicate my hard work and positive energy to them.

    -To keep my knees from failing- in order to keep my knee joints in working order and to prevent knee pain, I exercise so that the muscles in my legs can protect that joint.

    -Daily life function- I want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs and not be too out of breath; or I want to be able to bend down and not pull something.

    -To reduce depression and anxiety- I definitely do not experience emotions that are strong enough to diagnose me as depressed, but it's easy for me to let my emotions get out of hand. So when I go do something active, I'm able to let go of the little things, enjoy life, and put a smile on my face.

    -So that I can stay active when I'm older- plain and simple!

    -So I can enjoy a treat now and then- When I've worked hard one day, I know it's okay to let myself indulge in something delish, such as chocolate chip cookies, beer, wine, or ice cream.

    -To maintain my fitness level- In order to do my job well with confidence, it's important that I can maintain my current fitness level.


    Why do you exercise or stay active?

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011

    Workplace Workout: Plank Glute Lift and Reverse Crunches

    We're hitting the upper body, lower body, and core this week with plank glute lifts and reverse crunches. Both of these exercises will definitely hit the spot. I should know...I just tried them out!
    Get up out of your chair and get moving!

    Plank Glute Lift

    -Start in plank position (this can be done on your forearms and knees as well, or on your hands using a bench or desk)
    -Pull your belly button into your spine for stability, and lift your heel up towards the ceiling. Be sure to keep your foot flexed (toes pulled into the shin). Then lower your toe back to the ground...and go to the other side!
    -Remember to BREATHE!
    -Also remember to keep hands shoulder width apart and that your hands are directly below your shoulders.
    -Try not to let your hips sag or stick out
    -Only lift as far as you can go...don't over-do it by arching your back so you can get your leg higher
    -Try 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps each side

    Reverse Crunches

    -With palms faced down and at your sides for stability, bring your knees directly above your hips to make a 90 degree angle
    -Let your head and neck REST the entire time on the ground-this exercise is for your lower abdominal region
    -Slowly and with control, slightly lift your glutes off the floor and pull your knees in towards your chest, using your core
    -Breathe out as you crunch your knees in, and breathe in as you release
    -Try 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps

    Now...get to work!!! (wink wink)

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011

    Bridge Lifts

    To really work your lower body and core, the bridge lift exercise is phenomenal. It's simple and convenient and really targets all of the major lower body muscles.

    Muscles Used

    -Gluteus medius and maximus
    -Tensor Fasciae Latae
    -Erector Spinae
    -Lower part of Latissimus Dorsi
    -Adductor and Abductor muscles
    -Abdominals and Obliques

    Daily Use of Muscles

    -walking up/down stairs
    -bending down/over

    Things To Remember

    -be sure to keep your feet flat on the floor and bring your feet as close to your bottom as possible
    -keep palms face down and at your side, making a V
    -remember to squeeze your core and the same time you squeeze your glutes when you lift your hips up to the ceiling.
    -for a nice stretch after a set, feel free to bring both knees into chest and hold for a couple of seconds
    -for a more advanced workout, do the first 2 sets going completely up and lowering completely down to the floor. On your final set, lift your hips up to the ceiling all the way up, and then only lower halfway down.

    Bridge Lifts


    Video of the Bridge Lift

    Monday, May 2, 2011

    Crispy Salmon Burgers


    This easy-fix-it burger is packed with Omega-3s and flavor. And in only 16 minutes, you can enjoy this delicious meal that holds so many nutrients and is low in harmful fats.

    Prep time: 8 minutes
    Cook time: 8 minutes

    1/2 tsp jarred chopped garlic
    1 scallion, thinly sliced, including green tops
    1/2 tsp pepper
    3 Tbsp light mayonnaise
    1 Tbsp lemon juice
    1/2 c crushed low-sodium whole grain crackers (about 15)
    1 can (14.75 oz.) water-packed pink salmon, drained

    1. Discard skin from drained salmon and place fish in a bowl. Using a fork, flake fish and mash any small bones.
    2. Add whole-grain crackers, garlic, mayo, lemon juice, scallion, and pepper and stir well. Divide salmon mix into fourths and shape into patties.
    3. Coat nonstick skillet with cooking spray and place over medium-high heat. Add patties and cook for about 3 minutes on each side, until lightly browned.
    4. Serve plain or on toasted buns with lettuce and tomato, if desired.

    Makes 4 servings.
    Per serving: 310 calories, 18 g fat (3.5 g saturated), 602 mg sodium, 12 g carbs, 0.5 g fiber, 24 g protein

    Goes great with Jeweled Couscous
    Prep time: 5 minutes
    Cook time: 5 minutes

    1 c orange juice + 1/2 c water + 1/2 c dried cranberries + 1 box (10 oz) whole-wheat couscous + 1/3 c shelled unsalted pistachios

    1. Pour orange juice and water into saucepan. Add cranberries and bring to boil.
    2. Stir in couscous and remove from heat. Cover and let sit for 5 minutes.
    3. Add pistachios. Fluff couscous with fork and serve.

    Makes 4 servings.
    Per serving: 221 calories, 4.5 g fat (0.5 g saturated), 0.5 mg sodium, 38.5 carbs, 6 g fiber, 6.5 g protein